Finally, I found a linux distro that could be installed in my pc..Ubuntu-7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)
Since I had an Intel Motherboard with a 102GGC2 chipset (unfortunate), most of the distros (Debian 4.0 (Etch), Ubuntu 6.10 (Fiesty Fawn) etc..)that I had tried before hadn't worked...
With the Gutsy installed, I was now free to tailor my desktop environment. Few things I did were
install the KDE ("sudo apt-get install kde" in the terminal), enabled the compiz fusion effects
(installed the following packages in the Synaptic Package Manager:compiz-bcop, compizconfig-settings-manager, compiz-core, compiz-dev, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main etc..
Compiz working fine..the rotating cube was just amazing...