Saturday, September 19, 2009

Seminar : Ethical Hacking

My Academic Seminar was on : "Web/System Security through Ethical Hacking"

The PPT that I presented can be viewed below (View in fullscreen for clarity):

The Presentation was basically classified into 3 parts :

Part 1: Hacker Definition, History, Classes; Ethical Hacking- Need for it, Skills, Anatomy of Attack
Part 2: Classes of Attack - Authentication, Client-Side, Command Execution, Information Disclosure etc..
Part 3: Few Hacking Techniques in detail - Injection Exploits - SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting; Google Hacking - Google Hack Queries, Google Hack Database (GHD), Google Hack Honey Pots (GHH).

The Presentation was followed by a Demonstration that I prepared to show SQL Injection, XSS Attack, Remote File Retrieval (Retrieving "/etc/passwd" file from the remote server through the browser using Path traversal technique), OS Commanding (Executing OS Commands in a vulnerable remote Web Server through your web browser).
The Demo basically consists of a Web Site I made in HTML-PHP-MySQL-Perl CGI (OnlineBanking) which is vulnerable to the above mentioned web attacks...

I hope the presentation and Demo went well...

Hope all viewing this presentation will develop an awareness regarding computer Security and take preventive measures in their systems and websites to keep Black Hats at bay.....

Signing off for now...bye!