Aha!!..I have not been posting for the past 4 months...
My 4th sem exams are over...Let me make a very quick synopsis of the events that made up my 4th semester.
In fact, classes started only in January. We had our exams in April.
Lot of happenings in this sem...January and February witnessed many events like LINUX WEEK, EXCEL 2008, ARTS - 2008, El-Jeugo (Inter college Football match), 1st Series etc...
Linux week was a memorable one...the 2nd years conducted Linux workshop for the 1st years, we had a Linux Distros exhibition exhibiting distros like Geexbox, Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux, GParted, Backtrack, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.... This got news coverage from the India Vision channel...
Special mention about Geexbox: An 8MB Linux distro, Made only to view multimedia files, eg. Images, Songs, Movies/Videos and I was the one exhibiting this distro in the exhibition.
In february, there was 3 days of Arts in our college...and then we had our 1st series exam too...