Something that I wrote in my free periods in class....
The humans are an evolution on the earth, which is a part of this ceaseless universe. What has left me awestruck is the mind boggling architecture of human body, their ability to think, react , feel emotional...According to me, the existence of god (the ultimate invincible power) is responsible for this.
Just consider the the strange evolution of humans on the earth. The metamorphosis involved in the development of an entire human body is so intricate and sophisticated that it can be created only by a strong force, something that is unexplainable and invincible.
The Earth is thought to be the only abode of life. How is it possible? Maybe the humans are not that far-sighted.
Nevertheless, the achievements that humans have made since their evolution is quite incredible. Be it in fields of science, technology arts, space mission, missiles, and communication, there has been burgeoning advancements from time to time.
What I would like to focus is on the title "The Interior Design". This could sound as the art of designing the inside portion of a house. But definitely I intend to reveal that is a 'pun' and it is the other meaning that I felt I wanted to talk about.
My idea of "Interior Design" is the ability to design the body, mind and intellect of a human.
The success of a person is a function of the balance a person has between his mind and intellect.
I feel "Mind" is the key to a lot of unanswered questions. To be clear, there are mainly 2 types of mind. 1) Conscious Mind 2) Sub-conscious Mind.
The thinking process is done in the mind. It is so turbulent and vicious that controlling it is very cumbersome. But with sincere efforts (about which will be mentioned later), one can bring one's mind under his/her control. Once it is achieved, immense satisfaction and extreme bliss is experienced. Our confidence mounts to very high level that nothing in front of us seems impossible; for confidence is the Voltage that drives us to situations we have only dreamt about in our life. The key to everything is our Mind. When polished and nurtured properly, it can even give you the power of "Clairvoyance" or the ability of foresightedness.
I feel that those people who have never tasted success in their life or has never achieved anything, can work wonders in their life if they have realized the impediments / boulders that remain stagnant in their thought process and remove them away through various mind exercises and "Meditation".
I have been often bowled over by the question: "Where in the human body is the mind?"
When you close your eyes , you see the darkness and this darkness can be turned into a flamboyant scenery somewhere else in the world, then to a bizarre situation you may never have even thought of doing or being in. That is the versatility of the human mind.