Hip!Hip!Hurray!! MEC WINS!!!
We sailed through to the State Level Finals in the Online Programming Contest conducted by the Infosys as a part of their Aspirations 2020 and finally emerged the Winners beating some of the best programmmers of Kerala (eg. students from CET, Rajagiri,etc..).
The Prize: A Trophy for the College, and a Sony PSP 3004 PB(PlayStation Portable) for each one of us.
Ya...It was a great experience...The finals was conducted at the Park Center and Bhavani Infosys Campuses, Technopark, Trivandrum...It was on March 19th.
Our team consisted of 3 members: Myself, Manu Thomas (leftmost in photo) and Suraj Shenoy (middle). Quite depressingly and ironically, only one team participated in the contest from whole MEC.

Pic: Park Center was where they conducted the events except programming....
Aspirations 2020 is being conducted for the first time in Kerala. Apart from the Programming Contest, there were other events like Paper Presentation, Distinguished Students, and Quiz. This event had been conducted through various stages, first there was the Teaser Round, then came the College round, then the Inter-College and finally the State Level Round. Unfortunately, there was no National Level Round this year. Infosys is planning to keep it from the next year.
Signing off for now...bye!!
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